Wednesday, February 25, 2009

John Travolta sets up the "Jett Travolta Foundation" so more kids can die because of Scientology

The Jett Travolta Foundation shall endeavor to use its resources specifically to assist and provide relief to children with vision, hearing, mobility, communication, behavior learning impairments or other special medical, environmental, health or educational needs. It may also use its resources, and make grants to educate the public about the need for a clean environment, provide relief and assistance to children who are victims of natural or man-made disasters, and to fund children’s educational programs.

Check or money orders can be made out to: Jett Travolta Foundation, Inc.


Fucking vomit.

Why don't these assholes ever tell the truth? Just once. Why can't they just say "Any money you give us goes directly to Scientology to pay for private investigators to spy on our critics, lawyers to stop freedom of speech and bribe money for the Riverside board members". If they told the real truth just once, I would never bother them again.

Look what good Scientology did to help the Travolta's son. If Scientology would never have been in the Travolta's life, Jett would still be alive today. That is a 100% guarantee!

Also, I want to know exactly where this money goes and to who. If it's not going to P.I.'s or lawyers, or bribes (which I strongly doubt), I would bet the ranch that it goes to a Scientology run front group organization, using touch assists, Niacin, and other complete BULLSHIT.

I hope they all burn in hell. How fucking low.